getting organised

I'm still rather sick (just a little cold) so am easing myself back into work - today was card-printing day. I have a fancy new calendar I bought myself at Lark - it's by Chronicle Books, and it's a perpetual calendar, so I get to change the date every day. So cute!

Perhaps my printer is not the best spot for it to perch, but it does make that corner of the room a bit prettier. Hooray for New Year organisation!


Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

It's a very nice calendar!! I should also organize myself!! ;)

Sherrin said...

Great calendar.

I need to get organised too. Good on your for getting back to it so soon in the new year. I'm finding it hard to get back into it.

Cindy said...

I have been feeling a little blah too - hope you are feeling better soon

Morphologica said...

urrghhhh I need some organisation desperately....or just being able to get out of bed would be helpful :)
Looking forward to seeing what you've got in mind for your store this year MsPocketPenny xx

ren said...

Ah the Sukie calendar! I so need one of these to brighten up my desk at work! I love it.

Rabbit and the Duck said...

I love that calendar! I didn't see it at Lark when I visited, they must have been sold out : (

Vickie said...

love the calendar Penny :)

Cate Lawrence said...

Definitely makes the printer corner far prettier! Hope you feel better soon, there seems to be quite a few viruses at the moment...