itty bitty chair

Today I went op shopping for goodies for my market stall...

I found the cutest little chair in a second hand store near my house for only $10! It's a little hard to get an idea of the small-ness, but the prints in the letter rack are a5 size (6 x 8 inches) and the top of the chair only comes up to my knees. Cute!

I'm going to paint it white or red, not sure which one yet, and hang my tote bags off it.


Veronica Darling said...


Unknown said...

I say Red too!

Rabbit and the Duck said...

Definitely red!

That's a great idea for your totes, if I ever get around to making my own tote bags I might steal your idea of hanging them from a chair : ) If only I could find a way to squish a chair into my stall setup.

cabin + cub said...

red would be very cute. reminds me of the little chair and table set i had when i was little.

Sam said...

Fantastic find and perfect for what you're in need of for your stall! Red I think is the go!!

Penny said...

Wow! I was leaning toward white, but how can I ignore the unanimous vote for red? Red it is.

lyptis said...

Thats a cute chair!
I see ure getting ur display together, cant wait to see ur stall!:D

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

Red for sure..... but then I tend to want to paint everything red

helena / little mo said...

ooooh i love the rack! so cute!! yep that mini chair would be cool for your totes! Well done pennybunny!

I'm just going to hang mine with safety pins around the tablecloth lol! I should buy cute coloured pins eh?