the food

A bit late, but this is my post-Christmas wrap up on the food. Mmm yum.

This year I made chocolate truffles for everyone...

and Chris made shortbread. We packaged it up all nicely, with eat-by dates and all!

This is what we ate instead of the turkey and ham everyone else was eating - they're stuffed with breadcrumbs, onion, pistachios, cranberries and a big pile of butter. Mmmm.

And this is what my brother made for me! Cupcakes with chocolate ganache, and some with cream cheese frosting and sugary pinetrees!


lyptis said...

Food looks lovely, i love the baked tomatoes and aubergines or whatever they are! and the chocolate things look nice too! and i always like ur packaging, its cute!:)

Lou said...

Your pressies look great. The packaging is gorgeous!