last drawing class

I had the my last drawing class on Thurs - I wasn't sure if I was going to go as I'm still not feeling quite 100% and I hadn't drawn anything, so on Thurs morning I sat down and did this little fox (version 2). I wanted it to have a bit more depth so I did some shading - the ink goes on brown if you use it thickly like with a pen, but is a lovely red when it's mixed with water.

Then at the class I tried some more colours...

I used black ink to draw the fox & the rabbit, then a bit of brown ink & blue watercolour to add depth for the shading (and some nice blue stripes on the rabbit). I'm pleased with how it turned out but sad the class is over!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better + you're drawings are so cute!

I'm interested in these drawing classes actually... are they evening clases? Whereabouts do you do them?

Laura said...

These are great! I love the way the shading give them a whole different look.

bunzi said...

wow love it! i heart your drawings. :D