Make stuff

Sew, stuff. This is my work space, and then the beginnings of a drunk rabbit, and then the end of a drunk rabbit.

I made myself this little drunk rabbit stuffed toy. It's a tiny little thing, probably about 3.5 inches tall. It was meant to be a pin cushion but I feel too mean. Drunk Rabbit, since the time I took this photo, has & Friends. I will show you soon, but coz they're so little they need full sunlight to photograph them and it's a cloudy day. I am meant to sell them but I can't. They're too nice. I said after each one 'I will sell the next' but it's not happening... not too worry.

Also coming soon are toucan badges, and toadstool badges. The toucans are pretty damn cool. I've also been making loads of Drunk Rabbit badges, so I can add them to my store, and working on some other neat stuff for you (if I can wrench it away).

Also, you can buy my stuff now at Corky Saint Clair, which is under Flinders St Station in melbs. More on this soon.

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