the Mathilda's that was

Phew! Mathilda's Market is over for the year! Never having had a stall there before I couldn't fully appreciate the madness until I was there - it was busy! Lots of shoppers stocking up for Christmas - to everybody that purchased something or came by for a chat, thank you so much!

If you didn't get a chance to come along, you can still take a peek at all the stallholders on the Mathilda's website.

The market was in the gorgeous Hawthorn Town Hall (unfortunately my camera didn't deal very well with the lighting, sorry!)

I had a great time chatting to Leslie from OneGirl, Cintia from MyPoppet, Allison from Lark and Cindy from BugandPop.

I was especially impressed with the BugandPop baby clothes - I'm waiting until a certain baby is born in a few weeks to buy a little something!


Gina said...

Yowzers, it looks crazy. I half thought about heading there and then I just got scared, I think I'll just lurk around the 1000 other (smaller) markets between now and Christmas.

Oooh, and I saw your tote in Peppermint mag today when it arrived... well done!

M.M.E. said...

What an amazing space! You must have had such a great time. I hope your sales went well.

Sophie said...

Oh I wish I could have gone! I bought on of your purses on high street yesterday, and I'm inlove with it.

benconservato said...

Ahh, explains the silence. I am anticipating craziness at FK too. Perhaps you can give me some stress tips?

You go Ms.P it looks wonderful. I wish I lived in Melbourne sometimes.

Cathie said...

what a beautiful venue!
sounds like you had a great day & I heard it was VERY busy in there.