action stations

It's all go-go-go here at Pocket Carnival HQ!

My New (Financial) Year resolutions are going swimmingly, so much is getting done! Hooray! I feel like a new person! New Penny.

22 new coinpurses! Hooray! And yet another half-finished cup of tea, they go cold so quickly.

These two coinpurses made it in to my Etsy shop - Lost in the Forest is here (this is the CAKE purse) and Dripping of Rain is here.

And finally, two new works in progress! I am really happy with these, I just need to scan them in and colour them, then they will be ready for printing.

Now I am off to make some clutches, I haven't done any illustrated ones for aaages, but a new stockist (coming soon!) requested some and I'm on a roll with them now!

Happy Wednesday everybody!


Veronica Darling said...

Wow! Zippy-dee-doo-dah on those purses...

I know what you mean, I get so excited about getting my next cuppa tea, but then the concentration hat is on and tea goes cold.


Lisa said...

Wow - I love the look of finished goods all grouped together. Hopefully, I'll have my own little army of finished somethings soon. Your drawings are adorable!

into the trees said...

I'm loving the new drawings...especially their little animal hats and ohhh the mushrooms too!

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

Yay you! You're kicking butt. It looks like a happy, fuzzy factory :-)

Modern Crush said...

I know the feeling, I get so into what I'm doing that my tea goes unnoticed... then cold. Love the coin purses!

Sam said...

End of financial year *shudder* = tax time! Eeek! My most unfavourite part of the whole year apart from visiting the dentist! You are very industrious Penny dear! Keep spreading that Pocket Carnival magic around Penny - the world needs more of it! Have a lovely weekend!

helena said...

far out 22 purses! you put everyone to shame here!!! it must be the super mushrooms you're eating've even drawing them! I looooove the toadstools, so cute!