
phew... finally i'm starting to feel better! i'm a very bad sick person, i have been SO bored these past few days, i have watched an extraordinary amount of terrible tv and dvds and worked my way through a bit of a stack of books and magazines. and drank about 3 litres of orange juice by myself.

my head's still a bit woozy, but here's a photo of some potatoes i picked from my garden!

and another badge
hope you're all well!


Unknown said...

I'm impressed by your potato growing skills, that is really great. I bet they taste much better than normal store ones as well.

Shame about the sickness, although sometimes a bit of crappy tv and looking after by others can be a good thing, as long as it isn't to achey and painy!

Laura said...

Hope you feel better soon :) I love your new badge too .