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Phew. I've been madly whipping up more little coinpurses - gave some more to Kirsteene from Scrumptious for her Camberwell Market stall. The stall is every Sunday (ie today) and when I woke up this morning it was raining rather a lot - I hope you didn't get too wet Kirsteene!

I kept this little one for my etsy store:

I like to think of it as my Jungle Bunny coinpurse - it's in my etsy store.

I also took a littl fabric shopping trip with my mum yesterday - we went to Patchwork on Central Park which was lovely, and Spotlight which was dreadful (hire some more staff maybe?). These are my spoils:

Lovely Shinzi Katoh trimming... so cute!

Fabric from both shops... the ones at the top are for big totes. Yay!

We bought a cutie little Seahorse Plushie pattern from Patchwork on Central Park and tried to make it last night. It went okay - I'm going to give it to Softies for Mirabel I think. It just took SO long to make because there are SO many details - still not finished. I was umming and aahing for ages about making one because previous Softie making experiments have ended badly, but this one seems all good. Am at the stuffing phase, then need to add eyes and it will be finished. Will post pics when done!

Also came up with a grumpy rabbit softie design, which I will try to make a few of as I'm going to do a stall at the Perry Street Festival on 16th Dec, run by Friends of the Earth. More on this soon!


Christine said...

Jungle bunny rocks!

Unknown said...

I love all the fabrics you got, that leaf design is really lovely. I can't wait till I start my holidays and I can go to shops when they are actually open and buy buy buy!