in stock soon...

Today's been a great day for Pocket Carnival. I have just given a big bundle of purses and bags to Sally from GeorgieLove, more on this soon (I'll let you know when they're available in her store).

I also met Kirsteene from Scrumptious Productions who now also sells Pocket Carnival. Scrumptious Productions currently has a stall at Camberwell Markets every Sunday from November 11th (that's tomorrow!) until December 9th, and probably beyond. As well as my coinpurses and mini totes, Scrumptious sells Kirsteene's handmade cosmetics, as well as jewellery and other goodies. If you're in the area, check out her stall at Camberwell Market! Some of my coinpurses she'll be selling are:

(Yes that's a giraffe coinpurse on top!)

This little grumpy cat coinpurse is available now in my much neglected Mintd store...

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